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SKM Welfare Society Charity Dinner 2015

Sri Krishna Mandir Welfare Society held its first Charity Dinner for the elderly and needy families on 28 Nov 2015. The 10-course dinner was well-attended by over 160 members of elderly from Sunlove Home, Meranti Home and DL's Caring Community and 30 sponsors.

The event began with blessings from monks from Sri Krishna Mandir, speech by the temple president Mr Sundar Gopal Das. The audience was entertained by a short Wushu demonstration from Nam Wah Pai Institute of Art and Self-defence, magic show by Dr S Chandran and it ended with a 30-minute Mandarin cum Cantonese songs sung by Mr Simon Mohan, one of the top ten singers from Malaysia. The audience clapped to his singing with some singing with him their favourites like 'Man in the Net' drama featuring the famous Chow Yun Fatt.

The audience was also impressed by the vegetarian dinner cooked in-house by our chefs which was a fusion of Chinese, Malay and Indian cuisine

We were assisted by trainees from the Singapore Police Force, our volunteers for the day who ensured that the serving of food was smooth and efficient. On the whole, the event was a tremendous success and plans are underway for the next fundraising project. We would like to thank our sponsors, friends and well-wishers for the financial support, residents from the homes for their presence, colleagues for their assistance in making this event a success. Best wishes from Sri Krishna Mandir Welfare Society.

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